Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Flocculation and Clarification

Flocculation and Clarification:

·         Clariflocculator unit is combination of a flocculation tank and clarification tank. This unit is a circular tank with concentric compartment for flocculation. The effluent in distributed uniformly over the surface of flocculation chamber for effective utilization of the available volume for flocculation. The specially designed flocculation paddles enhance flocculation of the feed solids. The flocculated effluent enters the settling zone from bottom.
·         As water moves upwards, heavy particles settle at bottom, the liquid flows radially outwards and upwards and the clarified liquid is discharged over a peripheral weir into the launder. The deposited sludge is raked to the bottom near the central pocket from which will be discharged into the sludge sump.
·         The clarified water will flow into the storage tank by gravity.

Coagulants and Flocculation

Coagulants and flocculants enhance dissolved metal removal and reduce sludge volume during conventional acidic drainage and high-density sludge treatment.

Coagulants and flocculants are chemicals that can be added during acidic drainage treatment.  Although some chemicals can be considered both coagulants and flocculants (iron and aluminum salts), coagulation and flocculation are two distinct processes. 

Coagulation describes the consolidation of smaller metal precipitate particles into larger metal precipitate particles (flocs).  Coagulants reduce the net electrical repulsive force at the surface of the metal precipitate particles.  The purpose of adding coagulants to acidic drainage waters is to increase the number of flocs present in the treatment water.  As floc density increases, interparticle contact increases due to Brownian motion, promoting agglomeration of colloidal particles into larger flocs for enhanced settling (Qasim et al., 2000).

Coagulants are widely used in water treatment systems and but are not commonly used at conventional acidic drainage treatment operations.  The most common coagulants are aluminum and iron salts.  Aluminum and iron coagulants react with bicarbonate alkalinity (HCO3-) in acid drainage creating aluminum, ferric or ferrous hydroxide flocs which attract metals in solution through co-precipitation.  Formation of hydroxide flocs with alum and ferrous sulfate can be represented by the following equations (Faust and Aly, 1999):

Flocculation involves the combination of small particles by bridging the space between particles with chemicals (Skousen et al., 1996).  Essentially, coagulants aid in the formation of metal precipitate flocs, and flocculants enhance the floc by making it heavier and more stable.  For this reason, flocculants are sometimes referred to as coagulant aids at water treatment operations (Tillman, 1996; Faust and Aly, 1999).

Two main groups of flocculants exist: mineral which includes activated silica, clays, and metal hydroxides and synthetic which include anionic, cationic, and nonionic compounds.  Activated silica has been used as a flocculant since the 1930’s to strengthen flocs and reduce the potential of deteroriation (Skousen et al., 1996).  It is usually produced on-site by reacting sodium silicate with an acid to form a gel (Tillman, 1996).  When using activated silica, the resultant floc is larger, denser, more chemically stable, and settles faster than iron and aluminum flocs.   

Metal hydroxides, produced from neutralization and precipitation reactions during acidic drainage treatment, can be recycled to serve as flocculants.  This is commonly implemented at high density sludge treatment operations to increase solids content and stability.  

Clay particles have large surface area to mass ratios.  Clays have numerous negative exchange sites on their surfaces for metal adsorption.  The addition of clays into the acid drainage treatment reduces metals and results in more dense flocs which increase settling velocities of the flocs.

Synthetic flocculants consist of polymers which produce negative (anionic), positive (cationic), or both (polyampholytes or nonionic polymers).  Polyampholytes are neutral but release both negative and positive ions when dissolved in water.  The ions released from synthetic polymers (flocculants) adsorb to destabilized particles to form larger flocs.  According to Tillman (1996) cationic polymers are most often used for charge neutralization and are usually used in conjunction with a metallic coagulant to reduce the dose required and amount of sludge produced.  Anionic polymers dissolve in water to provide more reaction sites for positively charged coagulants.  A drawback to using synthetic flocculants is that over-dosage may hinder their efficiency.

Both coagulants and flocculants enhance particle setting rates as particle settling velocity is directly related to particle size and weight.  Naturally, large relatively heavy particles settle more rapidly than smaller, light particles.  In addition to decreasing settling times, heavier flocs can reduce the amount of sludge volume produced in acid drainage treatment facilities.  This is the reason flocculants are used during high-density sludge treatment operations.

Conventional lime and limestone and high density sludge treatment of acidic drainage waters can be implemented in all climates. 

Treatment Process:
Coagulants and flocculants are typically released into acidic drainage waters after the addition of the neutralizing reagent, prior to the aeration basin (if present) or settling basin if an aeration basin is not used.  Refer to conventional lime and limestone treatment and high-density sludge.

Requirements and Limitations of Use:
Coagulants and flocculants are used in existing acid drainage treatment facilities when: 1) unique water chemistry or high metal concentrations exist in the acid drainage water or 2) when residence time in the settling basin is not adequate to facilitate efficient metal precipitation and sludge accumulation (Skousen et al., 1996).

Many trace metals such as As (a metalloid), Cd, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, and Zn do not precipitate as metal hydroxides, although they can be removed from acidic drainage from co-precipitation on the surfaces of metal hydroxides.  An acidic drainage effluent could contain high amounts of trace metals with inadequate dissolved iron and aluminum concentrations for effective co-precipitation.  Aluminum or iron coagulants can be added during conventional treatment of the above effluent to enhance co-precipitation.  MEND (1994) recommends a 2:1 iron to arsenic ratio for effective arsenic removal.  Additionally, barium sulfate is used to precipitate radionuclides such as radium.

Coagulants and flocculants may also be helpful at acidic drainage treatment operations which either do not use mechanical aerators or have insufficient residence time in the settling basin.  Coagulants and flocculants form larger, heavier, metal precipitate particles which can settle rapidly and scavenge dissolved metals which have not been oxidized.

Alum (aluminum sulfate or Al2(SO4)3 is the most commonly used coagulant in water treatment.  Alum is an effective coagulant for pH values ranging from 5.5 to 7.5 (Table 1).  Alum can be applied as a solid or liquid. 

Iron coagulants are ferric sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3), ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) and ferric chloride (FeCl2).  Iron compounds are generally cheaper, produce a heavier floc, and perform over a wider pH range than aluminum coagulants (Tillman, 1996).  However, iron coagulants are not used as much as aluminum due to staining equipment, corrosiveness, and they require more alkalinity than alum.  Ferric sulfate is active over a larger pH range (4.0-6.0, 8.8-9.2) than ferrous sulfate (8.8-9.2) (Table 1) and produces heavier flocs which settle more quickly.  Ferric chloride reacts in a manner similar to ferrous sulfate but is commonly used as an oxidant (Skousen et al., 1996).  Ferric chloride is effective over a much greater pH range than aluminum sulfate, ferric sulfate, and ferrous sulfate (Table 1).

Table 1. Coagulants and their effective pH ranges.  From Tillman (1996).
Effective pH Range
5.5 to 8.0
Aluminum Sulfate
4.0 to 6.0, 8.8-9.2
Ferric Sulfate
8.8 to 9.2
Ferrous Sulfate
4.0 to 11.0.
Ferric Chloride

The above coagulants are also considered flocculants because they form metal hydroxides.  Reactions involving iron and aluminum coagulants require alkalinity and can decrease pH.  Therefore, additional alkalinity in the form of a neutralizing reagent must be added to account for the extra alkalinity use (Refer to calculations).

Alkalinity requirements for coagulants (Faust and Aly, 1999):
1)      all alkalinity in system is bicarbonate (HCO3-)
2)      calculated alkalinity expressed as CaCO3
3)      100% coagulant content-additional calculations may be required based on state of coagulant (solid or liquid) and coagulant content.

Alkalinity required for alum
Reaction between alum and natural alkalinity:
From the equation, it is apparent that 1 mole alum reacts with 3 moles Ca(HCO3)2

On a weight basis, 1 mg/L alum reacts with:

Converting Ca(HCO3)2 to CaCO3:
The above calculation indicates that a 1 mg/L addition of hydrated alum at an acidic drainage treatment plant requires an additional 0.45 mg/L CaCO3 alkalinity.

Alkalinity required for ferrous sulfate
Reaction between ferrous sulfate and natural alkalinity:
From the equation, it is apparent that 1 mol Fe2(SO4)3 reacts with 3 moles Ca(HCO3)2

On a weight basis, 1 mg/L  Fe2(SO4)3 reacts with:

Converting Ca(HCO3)2 to CaCO3:
The above calculation indicates that a 1 mg/L addition of hydrated alum at an acidic drainage treatment plant requires an additional 1.10 mg/L CaCO3 alkalinity.

Predicted Performance:
Coagulants are not commonly used in acidic drainage treatment operations.  However, iron and aluminum salts can be used for trace metal (and metalloid) removal under special circumstances.  Water treatment operations have experienced good results using coagulants to remove dissolved metals (Tillman, 1996; Faust and Aly, 1999).

Metal hydroxide flocculants, formed during acidic drainage treatment, is recycled to create high density sludge.  High density sludge treatment processes can increase solids content from 1-5% to as high as 40% (MEND, 1994). 
Synergistic Technologies:
Conventional Lime and Limestone Treatment
High-Density Sludge (HDS)

List costs of aluminum and iron salts

Flocculants used in high density sludge operations are recycled metal hydroxides.  Refer to high density sludge for additional costs associated with this technology.

Case Studies:
No available case studies on the use of coagulants or flocculants were found in the acidic drainage treatment literature.  Refer to high density sludge for metal hydroxide flocculants.


Faust, S.D., and Aly, O.M., 1999, Chemistry of Water Treatment: New York, Lewis
Publishers, 581 p.

MEND, 1994. MEND Report 3.32.1: Acid mine drainage-Status of chemical treatment
and sludge management practices, Mine Environmental Neutral Drainage (MEND), Canada.

Qasim, S.R., Motley, E.M., and Zhu, G., 2000, Water Works Engineering: Planning,
Design, and Operation: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 844 p.

Skousen, J., Lilly, R., and Hilton, T., 1996, Special chemicals for treating acid mine
drainage, in Skousen, J., and Ziemkiewicz, P.F., eds., Acid Mine Drainage: Control and Treatment: Morgantown, West Virginia, West Virginia University and National Mine Land Reclamation Center, p. 173-180.

Tillman, G.M., 1996, Water Treatment: Troubleshooting and Problem Solving: Chelsea,
Michigan, Ann Arbor Press, 156 p.

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